tar: .: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 12:00:00
Luton fans banned from Watford pubs on match day
6 hours ago
Thoughts on Java, Groovy and Agile Practices
tar: .: implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 12:00:00
<java jar="lib/schemaSpy_4.0.0.jar" fork="true"/>
<arg line="-t udbt4"/>
<arg line="-host ${db.host}"/>
<arg line="-port ${db.port}"/>
<arg line="-db ${database}"/>
<arg line="-u ${db.userid}"/>
<arg line="-p ${db.password}"/>
<arg line="-all"/>
<arg line="-schemaSpec (PMH)|(SHO)"/>
<arg line="-dp ${DB2_LIB}/db2jcc.jar:${DB2_LIB}/db2jcc_license_cu.jar"/>
<arg line="-o ${reports.data.model.dir}"/>
set ANT_OPTS="-DCRAP4J_HOME=c:\java\tools\crap4j-ant", where c:\java\tools\crap4j-ant is the location of your Crap4J ant tasks.
-DCRAP4J_HOME=c:\java\tools\crap4j-ant, where c:\java\tools\crap4j-ant is the location of your Crap4J ant tasks.
assertThat(e.getMessage(), both(startsWith("Invalid environment")).and(containsString(environmentName));as opposed to the more common:
assertThat(e.getMessage(), allOf(startsWith("Invalid environment"), containsString(environmentName)));It's debatable which is cleaner. The top statement reads closer to the English language, but is longer, more complex to construct and can't have additional matchers added in the same way that allOf can.